The days of unsightly hair plugs and unnatural toupees are gone. Hair restoration technology has improved dramatically in the last decade or so, making it more effective and natural-looking than ever. One such procedure is FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction. This is a modern technique in which hair is transplanted from one area to another. If you are considering getting an FUE hair transplant in New York but don’t know much about it, here are some of its benefits.
FUE hair restoration can be very accurate and precise. The precision stems from the use of the handheld tools. During an FUE, hair is taken from the side or back of the head and re-implanted in areas where the hair is thinning. Each follicle used in the transplant is carefully selected so the donor areas don’t lose their natural look and feel.
FUE hair restoration doesn’t require as many post-operative procedures as some of its counterparts. This means a less painful and speedier recovery period. If healing and recovery are your primary concern, FUE hair restoration is the method for you.
Survival Rate
Each hair restoration procedure has a different survival rate for individual hair follicles. FUE is variable and less predictable than the 95-98% we see with FUT surgery, but it still offers good cosmetic survival compared to procedures of the past. If you are interested in an FUE hair transplant in New York and want to learn more, visit the Feller & Bloxham Medical website at to get started.