The Joys of Personal Training

by | Mar 8, 2013 | Health & Fitness

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For Personal Training Chicago you could probably find a gym of some kind on most streets. Chicago is renowned for its gyms, fitness centers and places for people to get into shape. It doesn’t matter how old you are, you can start getting fit any time.

There is something very energizing about one-to-one training. The focus is always purely client-based and the sessions focus on the client’s needs and fitness training, without interruption. In classes, such as pilates and zumba, people are shepherded in groups and follow the leader at the front of the room as they take the entire group through the session. If you can’t keep up, too bad. It doesn’t always make for an enjoyable experience. However, with a trainer just focusing on you, you can take your time, they push you at the right rate and concentrate solely on your own fitness.

There are many types of workout, from full body workouts to upper and lower body workouts. Other types concentrate on cardio-vascular, muscle building and general fitness. If you have never been seriously into fitness but you want to start, a good place to begin would be to visit your primary care practitioner. You should always get a full test to see if your health can support some sort of fitness training because not everyone can do every type of exercise. Think about it, as we age our bodies are capable of different things than when we are younger. We also may have health concerns that inhibit us from certain exercises, such as rheumatoid arthritis, brittle bones and other disorders. Therefore, having your doctor’s approval to do certain fitness regimes would benefit you before you start.

Doctor’s Orders

Once you have the green light from your doctor, your next port of call should be a personal trainer. A personal trainer will talk you through their skills and areas of expertise so that you can get a feel of whether they can work with you. Once you agree on the kind of fitness you want to achieve, and how, you can begin your work. Always start slowly and work up to each level. Some trainers might be very forceful about the way they train. They favor hard workouts that can seem punishing and tiring, but they can be equally effective, if not more so. The trainer will also make sure that you warm your muscles up before you start, by making you so a series of stretches to get your muscles ready for the workout. After that, you should ease into it and enjoy the experience. You will feel tired for the first few times, but once you get into it you will see some spectacular results.

There are many types of workout, from full body workouts to upper and lower body workouts. Other types concentrate on cardio-vascular, muscle building and general fitness.


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