Preparing for Cataract Surgery

by | Apr 12, 2013 | Health

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A cataract surgery in Bonita Springs Florida is a great way to improve your eyesight and remove any cloudy vision and other vision problems. It is important to follow some important steps following up to the surgery to ensure that everything goes properly and that your vision is properly restored. Some of the steps to follow include having an eye examination to determine your needs, discuss all of your needs with the surgeon including medications and other medical issues, understand that separate procedures will be performed on each eye, and what you should do after the surgery is complete in order to restore your vision.

The first thing that you will need to do to prepare for cataract surgery in Bonita Springs, Florida is to set up a preliminary eye examination with the surgeon you have chosen for the procedure. Do not just go off the examination that is provided by your ophthalmologist, you will need the specialized appointment that will be provided by your eye surgeon.

Discuss Needs
After the eye examination, you will be able to discuss all of your needs with the eye surgeon. This is the time to discuss all of the vision problems that you have been having, any of your expectations in regards to the surgery, and informing the eye surgeon of any medication allergies that you may have. The surgeon will be able to base a plan for the procedure off the information that you provide. Make sure to understand the basic plan of the cataract surgery in Bonita Springs, Florida and ask any questions that you may have.

Separate Procedures
If both of your eyes require surgery, you will have to be prepared to go in for the procedure twice. The eye surgeon will not be able to perform the two eye surgeries any closer than one week apart. This allows for the one eye to heal and for the surgeon to evaluate the work before another surgery occurs. It also allows for proper healing of the eye that has been worked on.

After Surgery
There are some important things that you should do to prepare for after the cataract surgery. You will want to cancel any and all plans that you have made on the day of the surgery and allow yourself an extra free day or more after the surgery in order to heal properly. If you go back to work and other engagements too soon after the procedure you risk hurting your eyes and slowing down the healing process. Also plan on having to wear some sort of protective eye wear and taking lots of naps in order to allow your eyes the time they need to properly heal.


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