What are the methods of Orthodontic Coating

by | Jan 31, 2017 | Medical Supplies

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In the field of medicine, few things are as delicate to achieve as the proper reconciliation between human tissue and a medical implantation, especially of an inorganic kind. Precious few metals are capable of integrating into the human body without presenting a risk of decomposition, corrosion or other forms of decay, and among these, special precautions have to be taken to prevent any other possible adverse reactions between metallic molecules and the human body’s own complex defense mechanism.

This is true for quite a lot of different examples of medicine, including the growing branch of modern-day orthodontics, which as per Medical News Today can be described as the treatment and control of abnormal growth in the shape and development of the jaw.

To ensure that patients do not suffer a massive hit in their quality of life, and can continue to use their mouth in everyday life, orthodontic equipment and implantations need to go through rigorous and careful orthodontic coating. Companies like N2Bio offer these services in the form of a select few methods, such as:

1. Ion Implantation
In essence, ion implantation involves accelerating ions of a certain material of choice through an electrical field and thus bombarding (and impacting)  surface with them, creating a coating that changes the physical properties and resistances of the object it is coating.

2. Anodization
Anodization is a special process by which the natural oxide layer of a metallic material is artificially expanded, thereby protecting that material from outside forces such as corrosion, and making it safer for implantation in the human body.

More complex than ion implantation, IBAD involves the use of a specialized ion beam to depose a thin film of atoms across a surface, improving adhesion and control over very specific surface properties, including density and stress level.

In the end, while all methods carry their own validity, it’s important to pay close attention to the quality of the facilities of your coating service, and their reputation – especially in an industry where sterility and high quality are necessary standards, not just things to strive towards.

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