Winter in Chicago: Should I Worry About Salt on My Dog’s Paw Pads?

by | Dec 22, 2022 | Animal Health, Animal Hospital

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It is not uncommon to see salt on the streets during winter, especially in snowy and icy weather. You want to ensure it is safe to walk your dog on salted paths. This way, you can avoid a trip to vets near Chicago this winter. Use the following guidelines to protect your pup from the salted paths and roads.

Should I Worry About Salt on My Dog’s Paw Pads?

Yes, you should be concerned about salt on your dog’s paw pads. Salt on their paw pads can lead to irritation and burns that require a veterinarian. Additionally, ingested salt can lead to gastrointestinal issues and mouth burns.

Why is Salt Potentially Harmful to my Dog?

Salt contains ingredients that can cause various problems for your dog. This includes sodium chloride or calcium chloride. If your dog is suffering from any physical irritations or health issues from salt, be sure to look into vets near Chicago.

How Can I Protect my Dog From Salted Paths?

The good news is that you can protect your dog from touching or ingesting salt on paths and roads.

Start by looking into boots designed for dogs to wear while outside, protecting their paw pads just as your shoes protect your feet. Another idea is to find an alternate route that has not been salted, or you can stick to activities in the backyard until it is safe to go for walks again.

If you are looking for vets near Chicago, consider Urban PetRx for your beloved pet. You can learn more about this veterinary clinic by scheduling an appointment today.

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