Hospice and Palliative Care: What It’s All About

by | Nov 7, 2016 | Healthcare

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Hospice is associated with end of life care. With plenty of misconceptions around, though, families often think of hospice as a frightening prospect. Here’s what Hospice Care At Home is really all about:

What it is

Hospice services are a specialized form of medical care, one that focuses on improving the quality of life for terminally ill patients. They provide patients with dignity and comfort as they face the end of their lives, says Loved Ones. Treatment seeks out to address their physical, social, emotional and spiritual well-being and needs. Hospice care isn’t limited to the elderly as well. Terminal illness strikes people of all ages, so it can be the right solution for terminally ill patients, whether they’re children or adults.


Hospice care plans are developed to ensure pain management and symptom relief measures that are tailor-made for the needs of a patient. They provide specialized knowledge and support that help ease the worries of the family while reducing a patient’s level of anxiety. It also makes patients less of a burden to their loved ones.

By opting for Hospice Care At Home, patients also avoid the risk of overtreatment. And unlike traditional hospital treatments that focus on only the physical health of a patient, hospice care addresses the patient’s emotional and spiritual needs.


There are plenty of misconceptions about hospice care. Some believe it means giving up hope. In reality, it helps terminally ill patients focus their remaining time on what can be achieved. Some believe it’s only limited to six months, but hospice care is available for as long as a patient needs one.


So if you have a terminally ill loved one, consider securing the services of a hospice treatment provider and see the difference that kind of support and care makes.

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